جایزه ویژه ریاست جمهوری ایتالیا برای یک عکاس ایرانی
ویک جایزه برای موسسه آبگینه
در نمایشگاه بین المللی هنر عکاسی ایتالیا
سید علی سیدی از عکاسان فعال کشورمان در هجدهمین نمایشگاه بین المللی هنر عکاسی ایتالیا موفق به دریافت جایزه اول مدال نقره ریاست جمهوری ایتالیا و و همچنین لوح نقره موسسه ملی (CIFA ) از این نمایشگاه گردید .
علاوه بر این « موسسه تحقیقات و مطالعات عکاسی آبگینه » از کشورمان نیز بعنوان بهترین گروه عکاسی در بین کلوپ های شرکت کننده از سراسر جهان و به دلیل حضور با کیفیت و ممتد ، لوح افتخار و مدال نقرةاهدائی برگزار کننده را به خود اختصاص داد .
از سوی دبیر این نمایشگاه عکاس برگزیده و نمایندگانی از موسسه تحقیقات و مطالعات عکاسی آبگینه جهت شرکت در مراسم افتتاحیه و اهداء جوایز به این کشور دعوت شده اند.
این نمایشگاه با عنوان « کلاه در جهان » به نگرشهای خلاقانة عکاسان در زمینة پوشش سر و مردم شناسی ملل جهان می پردازد و از سوی موسسه فرهنگی و گالری (CIFA ) و با حمایت یونسکو , شورای شهر , شهرداری , وزارت فرهنگ و چندین موسسه دیگر برگزار می شود .
مراسم افتتاحیه و اهدای جوایز برندگان در مورخة 9 مهرماه سال جاری در شهر « الساندریای ایتالیا » برگزار خواهد شد و پس از آن آثار فوق در شبکة اینترنت به آدرسwww.cifathehat.itبه نمایش گذاشته خواهد شد .
درخشش عکاسان ایرانی در مسابقه بین المللی عکاسی ونیز
عکاسان مشهدی با کسب سه مدال طلا- نقره و برنز و همچنین لوح افتخار از نمایشگاه بین المللی عکاسی ونیز کشور ایتالیا خوش درخشیدند.
در این نمایشگاه (علی سیدی) با کسب مقام اول در بخش کودکان موفق به دریافت مدال طلا و لوح افتخار ( مجید جلالیان ) در بخش طنز مدال نقره و لوح افتخار و ( ابراهیم بهرامی) مدال برنز و لوح افتخار و همچنین علیرضا عطاریانی نیز در بخش عمومی لوح تقدیر دریافت نمود.
این نمایشگاه در مهرماه سال جاری در موزه هنرهای معاصر شهر ونیز در ایتالیا با حضور نمایندگانی از سفارت کشورمان در رم گشایش یافت.
عکاسان فوق تنها نمایندگان ایرانی شرکت کننده در این دوره از نمایشگاه بودند.
خبر وعکسهای برنده در شبکه اینترنت به آدرس http://www.vipc.it
قابل مشاهده است.
Standpoint of Criticism in Photography
Ebrahim Bahrami
Photography is an art and a phenomenon that teaches, gives information, records and reviews memories. Today it is a non-separable part of the life of man.
Every photograph, no matter what it is intended for or how it may be applied, has a series of visual values. Some of them include points which can only be elucidated through intuition and the secrets therein be revealed. All photographs have some signs in them even the worst ones which have been shot by interested beginner photographers. These photographs are especially important because they have the least visual information in them.
Any piece of work of art is perfect in combination with the addressee and therefore creating one without the addressee doesn’t mean anything. In the process of producing a piece of work of art, the artist and the addressee are the necessary factors at the apexes of a triangle. By omitting the artist, no work of art will be created,, and by neglecting the addressee, the work will only be a useless product and will eventually vanish.
Analyzing and criticizing a photograph brings about the link between work of art, artist and addressee causing the addressee to benefit from the thoughts of the artist and the complexity of the subject. Therefore, every effort for understanding, evaluating and recognition of a piece of work of art, on the part of the addressee, is of great value. Although the photograph itself gives the best interpretation and conclusion and should talk itself, a general survey and analysis of the theme and structure can help the addressee to increase his understanding. Studying the inner atmosphere of the photographs may contain real themes or post-real, poetical, imaginary or philosophical, and are cases that should be studied in analyzing and interpreting photographs.
Usually in analyzing a photograph we can study about its application, historical, psychological and social interest as well as artistic views and technical aspects. Although there is no fixed formula and method for analyzing and elucidating photographs and writers try to give different explanations using their creative skills, we can not neglect a series of common rules. As understanding and perceiving the content of a photograph necessitates seeing, studying and intuition, an analyst should be equipped with the knowledge.
An analyst studies the photograph both in form and content and discusses about different aspects of structure and composition. Writers, who analyze, interpret and criticize photographs scientifically and justly, really fill the gap between photographer’s point of view and the addressee. It is also important that every addressee, regarding his visual knowledge and personal beliefs, can have his concept of the way of expressing and the structural form and contents of the photographs. And it is natural that the more skilful and efficient the addressee with closer relations with the photographer, the more easily can he communicate with the photographs as a form of work of art.
Analyzing photographs can relieve the addressee from hesitation and confusion .He expects to get more information within the photographs as well as visual insight by reading essays criticizing them and in this way find the hidden secrets clearly. Thus he will have the opportunity to enjoy a pleasant concept through realizing aesthetical values. Some photographs can be exposed to various interpretations and views, therefore, the critic or analyst can open up these points to put forth a scientific and understandable atmosphere of this media, photography, through which new abilities and creative talents will be known.
Critics or people, who deal with photographs, should be aware of this fact that every photograph has its own addressee. One person may be more intimate with the photograph, the other less. A critical text can also arouse different opinions. One person may accept the writer’s point of view while another may oppose it and a third may accept only a part of it. If the criticism is a scientific one, general and just, it can attract a greater number of addressees. On the other hand the value of criticism and analysis will come into light. Hence the addressee should welcome it.