Abgineh Photographic Research
and Studies Institute Aims
Nowadays artistic activities along with new scientific achievements have taken a new form in presentation and it is inevitable for the artists of our country to keep pace with these changes.
Research and study of modern technology, artistic theories , styles and creative ideas are very essential for the betterment and uplifting of the works of our artists who are to be criticized artistically. The study of discussions on modern issues have created new theories and it is certain that all these improvements have much to do in bringing about new aspects of life through the eyes of our artists.
It is, therefore necessary for them to have a good knowledge of the status of art ,especially photography in the world today which will enable them to have a broader artistic view and to create fascinating works of art.
With respect to this truth and the need of the artists to have access to all these ,the Abgineh Photographic Research and Studies Institute has started this institute to exchange information through internet and to provide a photographic bank to learn about international photo exhibitions , societies ,museums and photographic products and make all these available to photographers ,research centers ,universities ,instructional centers and professional societies.