Station of Photography as a Media
Ebrahim Bahrami
When first considered as art, photography was used extensively as a visual media in different occasions because of its unique wonderful potential ability and has been used in various fields of science, industry and medicine to an extent that it is essential for life and which can not be neglected. By discovering and using structural elements of similar branches of art, this phenomenon opened up a new window and horizon in the domain of artistic vision and was able to find its position as an independent branch of art and introduce it to other fine arts. Using pictures in various situations including technical, scientific, documentary and advertising fields has extended its application to an extent that it has found a way
to the hearts of men and has got into their minds and thoughts.
Photography as an effective and advanced media has got much to do with the needs of man today. As photography is flexible compared to other branches of art, it has a vast presence in modern society getting them to know its environment
better and to have a clear vision of the world.
Photographs sometimes can have a deep effect on different strata as astounding documents of social and natural events challenging to all so that they may feel themselves being in the situation and worrying whether they could bear it or not. Photography plays a role of re-creating and recording moments and situations and has outrun other branches of art so much so that it has replaced speech second to 'sign language'. By recording heroic events, discoveries, honors, hopes, happy and sorrowful moments and scientific findings as golden documents of man's endeavor for improving his welfare and knowledge, it has been very helpful and effective. In fact viewing pictures as a powerful media opens up a door to introducing the sensible world to the people in it.
Because of this unique property of photographs, it has taken root
in different aspects of life without which there could be a great
confusion in the handling of the affairs of life.
Ebrahim Bahrami